If you think that something changed on Belina, the Romanian captured island, since Liviu Dragnea got to jail, you are mistaken. As you will see in the third episode of our documentary series ❝Belina❞ – Lawless Island.
While the island changed hands between the National Administration of Waters and the county council of Teleorman and back, the contract with Tel Drum, the company privatised with the signature of Liviu Dragnea, then county council president, and allegedly controlled by him and his men, is ongoing, totally undisturbed. The car in which Liviu Dragnea used to go hunting is touring the island and the laws of the land still did not reach the island. Orgies, people trafficking, illegal logging, construction of dams without authorisation, the list of lawlessness is long.
Meanwhile, at Bucharest Municipal Court, the Belina trial is going ahead, in some sessions with up to five witnesses, many of them public servants, from such institutions as the Ministries of Finance, Justice and Environment or the National Administration of Waters They come one after the other to make their declarations in front of the judge, lying, whispering their lies and going as far as to the point where even the fact that Belina is an island and that the Danube is flowing become matters of debate.
As a local is saying in our documentary series: ”They are afraid like they are of God – but maybe of God they are not afraid actually”.
Even if Dragnea’s name is rarely pronounced in the court room, the fear of Dragnea and his people can be felt in the ait at almost any session of the Belina Trial.
❝Belina❞ – Episodul 1 – Treasure Island
❝Belina❞ – Episodul 2 – Captured Island
❝Belina❞ – Episodul 3 – Lawless Island
❝Belina❞ – Episodul 4 – Disappearing Island: coming soon.