Citizen’s Job
Well, we know, that in our country you can steal. Big time. And you can get away with it for years on end.
What is new is that apparently you can also to steal the state. Just take it all, because you can. Maybe no one tried it for real in the last 27 years, but if you’re just a bit more thick-skinned, why not go for it. That is the job of Dragnea, Tariceanu and Co. Steal it all and get away with it by making your own laws.
Informally it worked in Teleorman already, but after Dragnea left his fiefdom of fear, some dogs of democracy (RISE project & Co) took the lead and hunted them down until their clinge to power became such an obvious embarrassment for every one of us not taking their news from the propaganda media paid by the same people, that hundreds of thousands went to the streets. Now there is an ever growing urgency to make the informal dictatorship formal, otherwise the dictator and his clique will lose everything and many will go down with them. To save la familia, Romania shall become Teleormania ruled by a politburo which doesn’t seem to understand the world around them any more than Ceausescu did in 1989.
But one thing the protesters showed them today: “We are watching you”. And so is the rest of Europe. Mostly in disbelief.
Despite the fact that they now own this capable apparatus of state power, brought hundreds of Jandarms and tens of horses, they were still shitting their pants so much that they left like a pack of cornered dogs – in their expensive cars of course. If you need hundreds of police to protect you from some citizens with whistles, you have a serious problem. And it is not about communication.
Helicopters you have?