Little Syria – Official Trailer
A story of unlikely quests. A search for the disappeared through rubble and tortured bodies, a race for survival, and the possibility of hope. Filmed for over 20 years in Syria and Germany, as well as in Turkey, Greece, Poland, Hungary, France, Spain and Iran, "Little Syria" follows the quest of a brother, his sister and her boyfriend, trapped ...
Every Day, Every Day
Ten years ago, on the 15th of March 2011, the face of Syria changed forever when some brave people found the courage to go on the streets and protest in several cities around the country. For the first time in decades, Syrian people protested in the name of freedom, demanding the Assad regime to step down. But Bashar al-Assad ...
Belina – Episode 3 – Lawless Island
If you think that something changed on Belina, the Romanian captured island, since Liviu Dragnea got to jail, you are mistaken. As you will see in the third episode of our documentary series ❝Belina❞ - Lawless Island. While the island changed hands between the National Administration of Waters and the county council of Teleorman and back, the contract with ...
Belina – Episode 2 – Captured Island
On the 23rd of August 2018, Romanian prime-minister Viorica Dăncilă orders the hydroelectric project generically named "Turnu Magurele-Nicopole" to be included in the list of strategic projects. What is kept hidden behind the generic name is the exact place where the hydroelectric dame is to be constructed, Belina Island on the Danube. That same day, 23rd Auguts 2018, is ...
Belina – Episode 1 – Treasure Island
Belina is a metaphor for Romania. Once we understood what has happened with this piece of land in the last years, we understood better what is happening to nowadays' Romania. On this island on the shore of the Danube River, one can easily see what it means when some people put themselves above the law, and the power of state ...
We have no one here but Dragnea
Romanian In our film, a road movie from Teleorman, you can see why there are all the reasons to be afraid of the teleormanisation of Romania. On the roads of Teleorman, paved for millions by Tel Drum, you encounter beautifully situated villages, in which half of the houses are empty, left behind by their inhabitants who went on with ...